Understanding Non-Standard Evaluation. Part 1: The Basics

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Non-standard evaluation—or NSE for short—is one of those technical terms R wizards like to throw around in discussions about the language. But what exactly does NSE mean? To answer that question and demystify the concept, I will first talk about its opposite, i.e. standard evaluation (no, it’s not called non-NSE πŸ˜‰).

Let’s take the example of selecting a single column from a data frame. In base R you can do that using either [[ or $. The former uses standard evaluation semantics whereas the latter uses NSE.

When using [[ you have to pass a string inside the brackets. In the most simple case you use a string literal.

## [1] setosa setosa setosa setosa setosa setosa
## Levels: setosa versicolor virginica

But you can also pass a symbol inside [[. This symbol will be evaluated to a value (which better be a string or number otherwise you’ll get an error).

var <- "Species"
## [1] setosa setosa setosa setosa setosa setosa
## Levels: setosa versicolor virginica

No surprise so far. Next, let’s take a look at the behavior of $. Just like [[ you can pass a string literal to $.

## [1] setosa setosa setosa setosa setosa setosa
## Levels: setosa versicolor virginica

However, you’ll likely never do that in practice because with $ you don’t have to. Instead, you can pass a symbol on the right-hand side of $.

## [1] setosa setosa setosa setosa setosa setosa
## Levels: setosa versicolor virginica

This is very convenient when you are writing code interactively in the console as it requires two less keystrokes. Now what happens if we pass var defined above on the right-hand side of $?


Didn’t expect that? You are not alone! This is the point where I see lots of beginning R programmers struggle. Remember, the symbol var holds the value "Species". Using standard evaluation semantics R would evaluate var to its value. However, when using $ that’s not the case because $ uses NSE. Instead, $ looks for a column named var inside the iris data frame. Since there is no such column, you get NULL as result (I’d prefer an error but that’s just the way things are).

Apart from Species, the iris data frame also contains a column named Sepal.Length. Based upon what we discussed so far, you can select that column either using iris[["Sepal.Length"]] or iris$Sepal.Length. But what happens if there’s a variable called Sepal.Length in the global environment?

Sepal.Length <- "Species"

What will iris[[Sepal.Length]] and iris$Sepal.Length return, respectively? Before you read on, pause and think about it. With what we’ve covered so far you should be able to answer that question correctly. If you are still unsure, head back to the top and read the preceding paragraphs once again.

Let’s start with iris[[Sepal.Length]]. When using [[ the symbol Sepal.Length is evaluated to its value "Species". Thus, in this case iris[[Sepal.Length]] is the same as iris[["Species"]].

## [1] setosa setosa setosa setosa setosa setosa
## Levels: setosa versicolor virginica

On the other hand when using iris$Sepal.Length, R simply doesn’t care if there exists a variable named Sepal.Length in the global environment. Instead, the very first thing it does, is to look for a variable named Sepal.Length inside the iris data frame and sure enough there is one.

## [1] 5.1 4.9 4.7 4.6 5.0 5.4

So, even though you call iris$Sepal.Length in the global environment and in the very same environment there’s a symbol named Sepal.Length bound to a value, R just bypasses that. Instead, it treats the data frame itself as an environment and if you evaluate Sepal.Length there you get back the contents of that column. Now that does not follow R’s standard evaluation semantics at all which is why this process is called non-standard evaluation.

If you understood what we’ve covered so far, you just made a big step forward on your journey towards mastering R. But wait, there’s more to come! In part 2 of this post I will show you how to implement a NSE function yourself. By doing that you’ll deepen your understanding even further and will learn about some of R’s internals that give you the super power to write packages such as {dplyr}. Stay tuned!

Thomas Neitmann

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